Máy đo điện trở cách điện FLUKE 1577

Made in Eu

Mã đặt hàng: 372230.0100

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FLUKE 1577 The FLUKE insulation multimeters combine the features of a digital insulation tester and a full-featured true-rms multimeter in a single, compact and portable device that offers optimal versatility in troubleshooting and preventive maintenance.
When working on motors, generators, cables or electrical switchgear, FLUKE insulation multimeters are the ideal devices to help you do your job, and are much more cost-effective than stand-alone devices.

Scope of delivery:
372230.0100 Insulation tester FLUKE 1577, probe with trip button, test leads, alligator clips, hard shell case, quick start guide and CD with detailed manual

Hiển thị thêm

Thông số kĩ thuật

Type 1577
Dải đo 0.01 MΩ to 600 GΩ
Thông số chi tiết

Type        1577
Functions        Multimeter functions, test voltages from 500 to 1000 V, insulation resistance measuring range 0.01 MΩ to 600 GΩ, PI/DAR, automatic discharge, probe with trigger button, backlight
Protection class        IP 40
Operating temperature    °C    -20...55
Dimensions    mm    50 x 203 x 100
Weight    g    624
Scope of delivery        Insulation tester FLUKE 1577, probe with trip button, test leads, alligator clips, hard shell case, quick start guide and CD with detailed manual

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Tổng đài CSKH

1900 98 68 25
