1900 98 68 25
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432165 - Bộ kìm 4 chi tiết NERIOX
Bộ kìm sản xuất theo chuẩn DIN 4133, mạ Chrome...
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Nhíp kẹp hàn thiếc RUBIS-348780
Surgical stainless steel, acid-resistant, non-rusting, anti-magnetic. Resistant to nitric and hydrofluoric acids. With fibre hand protection, tips curved 52°, smooth gripping surfaces.
Made in Switzerland
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Nhíp kẹp hàn thiếc RUBIS-348900
Carbon steel, angled head, cutting edges without bevel, for very thin wires.
Nhíp kẹp hàn thiếc RUBIS-348910
Tips reinforced with 30% carbon fibres, ESD-safe, heat-resistant to 250°C (to 300°C for short periods), long-life because friction is minimal, soft and non-scratching; surgical stainless steel, acid-resistant, non-rusting, anti-magnetic. Resistant to nitric and hydrofluoric acids.