Kìm tuốt dây tự động KNIPEX 12 72 190 NexStrip

Made in Germany

Mã đặt hàng: 350105.0100

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Knipex NexStrip 12 72 190, perfect crimping: even, fast and flexible square crimping for wire ferrules, the ratchet crimping mechanism ensures the required crimping pressure. Precise stripping: automatically adapts to the dimensions of the cable with length stop for precise, repeatable work, with fine adjustment. Safe cutting thanks to non-slip handles; very comfortable to use thanks to the ergonomic two-component handle.

Hiển thị thêm

Thông số kĩ thuật

Model NexStrip 12 72 190
Khả năng tuốt dây

0.25...4.0 mm2

Chiều dài (mm) 190
Thông số chi tiết

Clamping range    mm²    0.25...4.0
for AWG        32...8
Cutting capacity    mm²    10
Length    mm    190
Weight    g    170

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Tổng đài CSKH

1900 98 68 25
