Kìm tuốt dây KNIPEX 12 12 11

Made in Germany

Mã đặt hàng: 349605.0100

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Pliers body burnished steel, handles with multicomponent sheaths, shaped knife specially matched to multi-ply insulation and RADOX® insulation for solar cables, with additional cable support for better centring of multi-ply insulated conductors in the stripping openings, cutter adapted to larger conductor diameters.

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Thông số kĩ thuật

Model 12 12 11
Khả năng tuốt dây


Chiều dài (mm) 195
Thông số chi tiết

for wires    mm²    1.5...6.0
for AWG        15...10
Length    mm    195
Original No.        12 12 11

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Tổng đài CSKH

1900 98 68 25
