Bộ máy đo điện đa năng FLUKE 1587KIT/62MAX+ FC

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Mã đặt hàng: 372250.0100

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FLUKE 1587KIT/62MAX+ FC Specifically designed for troubleshooting and preventive maintenance in electrical equipment. Reliable and easy to perform insulation tests and a variety of measurements with the digital insulation multimeter FLUKE 1587 FC. When used with the FLUKE i400 current clamp, the FLUKE 1587 FC accurately measures AC current without interrupting the circuit. The infrared thermometer FLUKE 62 MAX+ accurately and quickly measures temperatures between -30°C and 650°C and is protected against dust and splash water according to IP 54.

Scope of delivery:
372250.0100 Insulation tester FLUKE 1587 FC, AC current clamp FLUKE i400, IR thermometer FLUKE 62MAX+, test tip with test button, test leads, alligator clips, K-type thermocouple, hard shell case, instruction manual

Hiển thị thêm

Thông số kĩ thuật

Type 1587KIT/62MAX+ FC
Dải đo 0.01 MΩ to 2 GΩ
Thông số chi tiết

Type        1587KIT/62MAX+ FC
Functions        Special kit for troubleshooting and preventive maintenance. – Multimeter functions, test voltages from 50 to 1000 V, insulation resistance measuring range 0.01 MΩ to 2 GΩ, PI/DAR, automatic discharge, probe with trigger button, backlight, memory (via Fluke Connect™)
Operating temperature    °C    -20...55 / 0…50
Weight    g    805
Scope of delivery        Insulation tester FLUKE 1587 FC, AC current clamp FLUKE i400, IR thermometer FLUKE 62MAX+, test tip with test button, test leads, alligator clips, K-type thermocouple, hard shell case, instruction manual

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Tổng đài CSKH

1900 98 68 25
