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Thước cuộn RICHTER
Steel tape painted white, 10 mm wide, protected against rust by phosphate coating, single-sided scale division in mm, easy-to-manage metal casing, plastic-coated, crank inset flat, protected by transparent varnish against abrasion, accuracy class EC II.
Made in Germany
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Dây thay thế cho thước cuộn RICHTER
Dùng cho thước cuộn:
059740 Steel tape measure Richter
Steel tape painted yellow, 13 mm wide, protected against rust by phosphate coating, single-sided duplex scale division in mm, easy-to-manage metal casing, plastic-coated, crank inset flat, protected by transparent varnish against abrasion, accuracy class EC II.
059790 Steel tape measure Richter
Thước cuộn chống trượt FUTURO GRIP
Steel tape yellow painted, width 13 mm, nylon-coated (assure abrasion resistance, to avoid corrosion, for longer expected useful live), scale division in mm. Tape start with metal fitting, pull ring made on plastic. Iimpact and shock resistant plastic casing with partial rubber coating protection, flat crank handle with high speed tape retraction, accuracy class EC II.
Made in Eu