Máy mài 2 đá PROMAC 324F / 230 V - 480495.0100

Made in Switzerland

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Double grinder with grinding disc and wire brush wheel, with safety system against automatic starting of the machine, emergency stop switch and guard, extraction protective cover at both ends, hose connections Ø 36 + 100 mm; in accordance with SEV and SUVA regulations, CE conformity. Standard accessories: grinding wheel, grain size 60, circular wire wheel 0.3 mm.

Appropriate accessories:
386000 Abrasive disc
386020 Abrasive disc
386100 Abrasive disc
391000 Circular wire brush ZEINTRA
391040 Stainless steel wire brush ZEINTRA
480725 Suction base PROMAC

Hiển thị thêm

Thông số kĩ thuật

Điện áp (V) 230V / 1 phase
Công suất (kW) 0.45
Size đá (mm) 200
Lỗ lắp đá (mm) 20
Thông số

Type        324F
Alternating current    V    230
Three-phase current    V    -
Rated power input    W    450
Grinding disc    mm    200 x 25
Hole    mm    20
Brush size    mm    200 x 25 x 16
Speed    min-1    2850
Dimensions WxDxH    mm    575 x 310 x 350
Weight    kg    20

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Tổng đài CSKH

1900 98 68 25
