Lục giác bộ

Bộ lục giác Inox WERA

Wera 3950PKL/9, stainless steel, for hex socket cap screws, ball point on the long side.


Made in Czech republic

Mã & tên hàng ModelKiểuSize (mm / inch) Đơn giá (vnđ) Số lượng Đặt, Gom hàng Tình trạng hàng
3950PKL/9Dài, Inox

1.5 2 2.5

3 4 5 6

8 10


Bộ lục giác hệ inch TRUSCO TBRI-9S / TBRI-13S

The holder can be rotated, making it easy to insert and remove hex wrenches of various sizes.
It can be used at an angle of about 25° with ball point processing, and temporary tightening of bolts is quick and workability is improved.


Made in Taiwan

Mã & tên hàng ModelKiểuSize (mm / inch) Đơn giá (vnđ) Số lượng Đặt, Gom hàng Tình trạng hàng

5/64, 3/32, 1/8, 5/32, 3/16, 7/32, 1/4, 5/16, 3/8

Liên hệ

0.05, 1/16, 5/64, 3/32, 7/64, 1/8, 9/64, 5/32, 3/16, 7/32, 1/4, 5/ 16, 3/8

Liên hệ

Bộ lục giác màu Wera

Wera 950/9 Hex-Plus Multi-Colour, high-quality L key set with convenient, colour-coded, sheathing. The Hex Plus profile offers larger contact surfaces on the screw head. The notching effect is thereby reduced to a minimum; the destruction of the screw head is almost eliminated. The BlackLaser surface treatment provides excellent surface protection, even against corrosion, and a long service life.


tag: 9509HexPlus


Made in Germany

Mã & tên hàng ModelKiểuSize (mm / inch) Đơn giá (vnđ) Số lượng Đặt, Gom hàng Tình trạng hàng
950/9 Hex-PlusDài, sơn màu

1.5 2 2.5

3 4 5 6

8 10