Kìm tuốt dây, dao tách vỏ cáp

Kìm tuốt dây tự động C.K T3943

C.K T3943, with hardened-steel blades for outstanding long-term performance. Automatic size adjustment enables both outer and inner insulation to be quickly stripped from flat and round cables. Replaceable stainless-steel cutting blade and fine adjustment dial — enables the pliers to be used to strip wires between 0.05 and 8.0 mm². Ergonomic dual-compound handles for fatigue-free, repetitive wire stripping

Tags: T3943


Made in United kingdom

Mã & tên hàng Khả năng tuốt dây Đơn giá (vnđ) Số lượng Đặt, Gom hàng Tình trạng hàng

0.2 to 6.0 mm2