Kìm tuốt dây, dao tách vỏ cáp

Kìm tuốt cáp tự động KNIPEX

Knipex 12 74 180, simply and precisely strip multi-core cables with an uneven sheath cross section. For control and sensor/actuator cables, also for removing flexible supply cables and extension cables, oil-resistant and halogen-free control and sensor/actuator cables with multi-core cable structure. Adjust automatically to the cable diameter, no damage to the inner conductor or the shield braid, possible to strip long wires. Casing made from fibre-glass-reinforced plastic. Blades made from special tool steel, oil-hardened.


tag: 1274180


Made in Germany

Mã & tên hàng Khả năng tuốt dây Đơn giá (vnđ) Số lượng Đặt, Gom hàng Tình trạng hàng

Ø 4.4–7.5 mm