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250,000+ sản phẩm từ 950+ thương hiệu và 2000+ đối tác OEM hàng đầu EU, G7
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432165 - Bộ kìm 4 chi tiết NERIOX
Bộ kìm sản xuất theo chuẩn DIN 4133, mạ Chrome...
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Kìm mở phe trong, thẳng Wiha
Standards DIN ISO 5256. Head shape Straight shape. Design Drop forged, cylindrical precision tips. Material High quality chrome-vanadium molybdenum steel. Application For inserting / removing circlips from inside bores.
tag: 26782, 26783
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Kìm mở phe trong, gập góc 90 độ Wiha
Standards DIN ISO 5256. Head shape Angular form. Design Drop forged, cylindrical precision tips. Material High quality chrome-vanadium molybdenum steel. Application For inserting / removing circlips from inside bores.
tag: 26786, 26787
Kìm mở phe ngoài, thẳng Wiha
Standards DIN ISO 5254. Head shape Straight shape. Design Drop forged, cylindrical precision tips. Material High quality chrome-vanadium molybdenum steel. Application For fitting / removing circlips externally to / from shafts or axles.
tag: 26790, 26791
Kìm mở phe ngoài, gập góc 90 độ Wiha
Standards DIN ISO 5254. Head shape Angular form. Design Drop forged, cylindrical precision tips. Material High quality chrome-vanadium molybdenum steel. Application For fitting / removing circlips externally to / from shafts or axles.
tag: 26795, 26796
Kìm mở phe trong thẳng BAHCO
BAHCO 2461, DIN 5256 C, hợp kim thép hiệu suất cao, mạ crôm, có độ bóng cao, hàm thẳng, đầu đốt, để gắn vòng trong vào lỗ khoan.
Made in Germany
Kìm mở phe trong cong BAHCO
BAHCO 2463, DIN 5256 C, high-performance steel alloy, chrome-plated, high-gloss polished, 90° offset jaws, burnished tips, for installing internal rings in bore holes