Đồng hồ so điện tử MarCator 1087 R, IP42 - 022120.0121

Mã đặt hàng: 022120.0121

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Dial gauge with additional analog display. Extremely well suited for measurements in bore holes (with 2-point internal gauge) or for run-out and flatness inspections.

022120.0121...022120.0160: TIR (MAX-MIN) function - for run-out and flatness inspection
022120.0170...022120.0180: START/STOP function - for finding the reversal point (with 2-point internal gauge)
022120.0220: TIR (MAX-MIN) function - for run-out and flatness inspection

Display rotatable by 280°
Conversion mm/inch
Reversible count direction
RESET (setting display to zero)
PRESET (fixed value setting)
TOL (tolerance input)
Data output MarConnect - all types
Data output MarConnect (integrated wireless) - Type 1087 Ri/BRi

Package contents:
Delivered in transport packaging.

Hiển thị thêm

Thông số kĩ thuật

Dải đo (mm) 12.5
Độ phân giải (mm) 0.0005
Áp lực đo (N) 0.65...0.9
Chuẩn chống nước IP42

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Tổng đài CSKH

1900 98 68 25
