1900 98 68 25
250,000+ sản phẩm từ 950+ thương hiệu và 2000+ đối tác OEM hàng đầu EU, G7
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432165 - Bộ kìm 4 chi tiết NERIOX
Bộ kìm sản xuất theo chuẩn DIN 4133, mạ Chrome...
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VNĐ 0 mục hàng
Made in Germany
Mã đặt hàng: 331185.0200
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Hàng về sau: 3-5 tuần
Stahlwille 730 Fix, for series production tasks; the adjusting knob can be removed after the torque has been set, preventing inadvertent changes to the settings. The Torx® tamper-resistant screw also protects against unwanted manipulation, just like the enclosed adhesive seal; settings cannot be adjusted without breaking the seal. For clockwise and counter-clockwise tightening by turning over the insert tools. Robust design, rapid adjustment of torque with QuickSelect; the torque is set and then locked by pulling out the adjusting knob and turning it. Two-component handle with ergonomic green soft zone (resistant to oils, greases, fuels, brake fluids and Skydrol). A stop signal which can be clearly heard and felt is automatically given when the correct torque is reached; accuracy ±3% in accordance with DIN 6789. No need for manual reset to zero, since the measuring element is only under load while force is being applied. Supplied with factory certificate, Torx® tamper-resistant screw and adhesive seal. Without insert tool.
Đầu vặn cấp riêng, KHÔNG kèm sản phẩm
Có thể dùng kèm đầu vặn:
331600 Ratchet insert STAHLWILLE 331602 Ratchet insert STAHLWILLE 725QR 331610 Bit ratchet insert STAHLWILLE 331613 Bit holder insert STAHLWILLE 331620 Open-end insert STAHLWILLE 331630 Open-end insert STAHLWILLE 331636 Open ended insert STAHLWILLE 331637 Open ring insert STAHLWILLE 331640 Ring-end insert STAHLWILLE 331650 Ring-end insert STAHLWILLE 331656 Ring insert STAHLWILLE 732/100 331660 Square insert STAHLWILLE 331680 Weld-on insert STAHLWILLE 331682 Adapter insert STAHLWILLE 331683 Adapter insert STAHLWILLE
LT000054329 735/65 - Ratchet insert tool, fine tooth LT000054333 735/100 - Ratchet insert tool LT000054346 734/100 - Square drive insert tool LT000054557 737 - Blank end insert tool LT000054573 7370/100 - Adaptor
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