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432165 - Bộ kìm 4 chi tiết NERIOX
Bộ kìm sản xuất theo chuẩn DIN 4133, mạ Chrome...
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Bộ mũi vát mép 90° BECK, EUC speed, 5-part
In plastic box, special coating, HSS, coated, extreme unequal pitch, three-surface grind, DIN 335C, countersink angle 90°, number of teeth 3 Consisting of: 176015 Countersink 90°, three cutting edges HSS, DIN 335C Application For making exact, round 90° countersinks. Tolerance: d2:h9
Made in Germany
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Bộ mũi vát mép 90° BECK, EUC-Speed, 5-pieces
In plastic box, special coating, HSS, coated, extreme unequal pitch, cylinder(without flat, HA), DIN 335C, countersink angle 90°, number of teeth 3 Consisting of: 176020 Countersink 90° HSS, DIN 335C Application For making exact, round 90° countersinks. Tolerance: d2:h9