Bộ dụng cụ ngành điện 172 chi tiết FACOM BPC24N.EL35

Made in France

Mã đặt hàng: 8328896.002

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3 Options available:
- CM.EL35: Set supplied without container.
- 2138.EL35: Set supplied with case BV.21ST.
- BPC24N.EL35: Set supplied with plastic toolbox BP.C24N.

Hiển thị thêm

Thông số kĩ thuật

Model BPC24N.EL35
Số chi tiết 172
Thông số chi tiết

Set supplied with plastic toolbox BP.C24N

1130.1 (1 pcs.) - Desoldering harness
146.2Y (1 pcs.) - Tweezers for component outlet
200H.26 (1 pcs.) - Riveting hammer
251A.JT9 (9 pcs.) - Drift punch with guide sleeve 1 to 6 mm
372 (1 pcs.) - Pen oil can
432.MT (1 pcs.) - Precision half-roundstraight pliers
827.2 (1 pcs.) - Magnetic retriever
82H.JU7 (7 pcs.) - Wallet set of short hexagonal keys 0.028 to 3/32"
84E.J1 (6 pcs.) - Case-set of nut spinners
AE.J1 (8 pcs.) - Micro-Tech® screwdriver 1 to 2.5 mm and crossheads PH 000 and 00 (in a case)
APZ.A (1 pcs.) - Angled screwdrives with double head Phillips® PH 0-1
ARZ.4 (1 pcs.) - Round blade angled screwdriver 4 mm
AS.6L140T2A (6 pcs.) - Roll set of needle files
HT.3X4 (1 pcs.) - Tuning screwdrivers
1130.1 (1 pcs.) - Desoldering harness
146.2Y (1 pcs.) - Tweezers for component outlet
200H.26 (1 pcs.) - Riveting hammer
251A.JT9 (9 pcs.) - Drift punch with guide sleeve 1 to 6 mm
372 (1 pcs.) - Pen oil can
432.MT (1 pcs.) - Precision half-roundstraight pliers
827.2 (1 pcs.) - Magnetic retriever
82H.JU7 (7 pcs.) - Wallet set of short hexagonal keys 0.028 to 3/32"
84E.J1 (6 pcs.) - Case-set of nut spinners
AE.J1 (8 pcs.) - Micro-Tech® screwdriver 1 to 2.5 mm and crossheads PH 000 and 00 (in a case)
APZ.A (1 pcs.) - Angled screwdrives with double head Phillips® PH 0-1
ARZ.4 (1 pcs.) - Round blade angled screwdriver 4 mm
AS.6L140T2A (6 pcs.) - Roll set of needle files
HT.3X4 (1 pcs.) - Tuning screwdrivers

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1900 98 68 25
