1900 98 68 25
250,000+ sản phẩm từ 950+ thương hiệu và 2000+ đối tác OEM hàng đầu EU, G7
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432165 - Bộ kìm 4 chi tiết NERIOX
Bộ kìm sản xuất theo chuẩn DIN 4133, mạ Chrome...
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Made in Germany
Mã đặt hàng: 763712.8900
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Hàng về sau: 2-4 tuần
Steel case-hardened / zinc plated blue, waxed d1 6; 8: 4CUT cutter for screw lengths of 160 mm and over (significantly reduces the screwing torque)
Hiển thị thêm
Hexalobular (6 Lobe) socket flat countersunk head chipboard screws with CUT point for MDF boards SPAX®, T-STAR plus, partially threaded, with cutting ribs under the head-763720
Mã đặt hàng: 763720.0800
Đăng nhập để xem giá
Hexalobular (6 Lobe) socket flat countersunk head chipboard screws SPAX®, T-STAR plus, partially threaded-763712
Mã đặt hàng: 763712.7300
Pozi Flat countersunk head chipboard screws SPAX®, form Z, partially threaded-763702
Mã đặt hàng: 763702.2700
Pozi flat countersunk head chipboard screws SPAX®, form Z, fully threaded-763701
Mã đặt hàng: 763701.0210
Hexalobular socket flat countersunk head window screws SPAX®, with 4CUT point T-STAR plus, partially threaded, restraining ribs-763750
Mã đặt hàng: 763750.0100
Cover caps, size: T15for chipboard screws with hexalobular (6 Lobe) socket drive-763745
Mã đặt hàng: 763745.0200
Hexalobular socket flat countersunk head screws for solid-wood flooring SPAX®, with small head 60°, CUT point and head ribs, T-STAR plus, with cutting ribs under the head-763723
Mã đặt hàng: 763723.0300
Assembly box of hexalobular socket flat countersunk head chipboard screws SPAX®, L-BOXX, T-STAR plus, fully / partially threaded-763715
Mã đặt hàng: 763715.0100
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