Bộ dây & kìm hàn TRUSCO TWC-3810KH

Made in Japan

Mã đặt hàng: 2731053.004

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Because it uses elastic and tough natural rubber, it is resistant to impact and wear, and has excellent withstand voltage characteristics.

As a secondary cable (welding side) of an arc welder.


tag: TWC225KH, TWC2210KH, TWC385KH, TWC3810KH

Hiển thị thêm

Thông số kĩ thuật

Type TWC-385KH
Dòng hàn (A) 170...240
Que hàn (mm) 1.6...6
Thông số

Applicable current (A): 100-170
Electric wire used (mm2): WCT-38
Cable length (m): 10
Conductor part: Copper wire
Coating: Natural rubber for conductors
Mass / mass unit  5.3 kg
Be sure to check the applicable current of the arc welder and use a suitable cable.
Set contents / accessories    
Welding rod holder (TEH-300)
Male side cable joint (TKJ-OS)

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Tổng đài CSKH

1900 98 68 25
