Cân treo điện tử PESOLA choice of units: kg / lb / N - 072888.0160

Made in Switzerland

Mã đặt hàng: 072888.0160

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Digital hanging scales for simple and versatile use.

072888.0100: Stainless handle and hook. Attachement swivelling.
072888.0140...072888.0160: Stainless snap hook and hook. Attachement swivelling.
072888.1000...072888.1200: Metal case. For rough, industrial environment. Stainless shakle and hook.

Large LCD display illuminated
Auto-off fonction
Unit of measure selectable (kg, lb)
Hold function

Appropriate accessories:
Calibration weights 073475, 073477

Appropriate batteries:
072888.0100: 2 pieces 055050.0400 - LR03 / 1.5 V (AAA) (included in scope of delivery).
072888.0140...072888.0160: 2 pieces 055050.0300 - LR6 / 1.5 V (AA) (included in scope of delivery).
072888.1000...072888.1200: 3 pieces 055050.0300 - LR6 / 1.5 V (AA) (included in scope of delivery).

Hiển thị thêm

Thông số kĩ thuật

Khả năng cân (kg) 200
Độ phân giải (g) 200

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Tổng đài CSKH

1900 98 68 25
